Island Hvar – Hearth of the Adriatic Sea

Icon 06.02.2018
Icon By natalija
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Last blog i promised we would talk more about natural beauties in Croatia, especially in Dalmatia region. It was very important to point out Plitvice lakes as the most famous national park in Croatia. Today i will write you about Hvar, the most visited island in Croatia.

Through this blog you will get a better picture about Hvar, why it is so famous, and why more and more people visit it every year.

Hvar is an island located in Adriatic Sea, the longest and the sunniest island in Croatia. It has around 12,000 inhabitans, while town Hvar is the most populated one. Those numbers rose multiple times during the summer.

Island was inhabited 384. BC, and it was first populated location on this area. Because of it, history of this island is very rich, espically during the ancient time. You can see it in museums of island Hvar, and also in the nature.

One of big advantages is the connection of the island with the land. There are many lines coming from bigger cities on the land, and also lines the connects Hvar with other islands, such as Brač or Šolta. If you are coming with a boat, there are two marines on the island.

Hvar is well known by its mediterranean climate, and with most sunny hours during the year (2718 annualy). Locals are mostly involved in tourism. Some of them are fishermans or working in the field (olives, wine, rosemary, lavander).  All of these products are used in local cuisine, which tourists especially like. Except the cuisine, they love islands intact nature, many clean beaches and coves.

When thinking about island, first thing that comes to your mind is isolation and peace. Hvar is also very peaceful island, but with one exception. There is a trend of young people coming to Hvar. First reason is Ultra Festival during the summer. Many of night clubs have expanded Hvar offer, so the trend is not that unusal.

Hvar is definitely a place to see while vacationing in Croatia. If you want to learn more, or visit island Hvar, contact our agency.




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