Brela is a small place on Makarska Riviera with approximately 2500 local people. In the summer you can there is three times more people. Because of this number, Brela accomodation is getting bigger every year. Those apartments in Brela are divided in several parts since Brela covers a lot of square miles. Today i will talk about the part of Brela called “Soline”. It is probably the most popular part of them all.
Soline apartments are divided into more categories. Local population makes separation among them in regard how close the apartment is from the sea. So, you have the first row of the apartments in Brela, second row of Brela apartments and the third row. Logically, the prices are higher in Brela apartments direct on the sea.
After those first row apartments, the prices is getting smaller. That is why street Obala Kneza Domagoja is the most attractive street in Brela. Next to this street is Ulica Biskupa Biankovica. It is also very attractive location, just 40 m from the beach. In this level of the streets is also Ulica Ivana Gundulića Brela.
The most important street in Brela is Frankopanska ulica. It is the biggest and the longest street in Brela, and leads to the neighbour place Baška Voda. It also represent “second row houses” and apartments. These houses are approximately 150 m from the center of Brela and the beaches. Since Brela is located on a steep terrain, that means that you will possibly need to go with the stairs to your apartment.
Frankopanska ulica apartments have their advantages. The biggest advantage is that they are seaview apartments, and that view can be pretty spectacular. Most Brela accommodation is located exactly in Frankopanska ulica. But if you think it is a busy street, then you are wrong. Brela is a small, quit place with not that big commute.
Little higher then this street is Ulica Bartola Kašića, and houses in this street are approximately 200 m from the sea, but with even better sea view.
This was a little overview of the streets in “Soline”, small part of Brela.
Except this part, there are also other parts like: “Stomarica”, “Jakiruša”, “Podraće”, “Jardula”, “Kričak” and more. Those parts of Brela have something other to offer to the guest. All of these parts have beautiful seaview apartments, and many of these are apartments direct on the sea.
The best way to discover Brela and to read this blog is to take a look of a Brela map, so everything could fall in right place. The most important streets of the “Soline” part are mentioned, and the other parts of Brela i will leave for you to discover.
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